
Dr. Shabeer Al Mousawi

Dr. Shabeer Al Mousawi

Urology Consultant


PhD in urology

Member of the International Society of Nephrology and Urology


  • PhD in urology
  • Member of the International Society of Nephrology and Urology
  • Removal of kidney stones (large and complex) using a microsurgical endoscope
  • Dissolving ureter and bladder stones with the latest laser devices and other traditional methods

  • Diagnosis of tumors of the urinary system (kidney, bladder, prostate, testis) and their treatment using endoscopy and traditional methods.

  • Treatment and follow-up of cases of prostate enlargement and its eradication by traditional endoscopy and all kinds of laser beams

  • Diagnosis and treatment of male infertility cases (varicocele, undescended testicle).

  • Treatment of erectile dysfunction (with or without surgery).

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