Dr. Sundus Mohia Ali

Dr. Sundus Mohia Ali
- Diplome AFSA in ophthalmology -University Lyon 1-France
- Ophtalmologist in department of ophthalmology-Edouard Herriot Hospital -lyon and Lyon Sud Hospital -France .
- Diplome DIU in Pediatric Ophthalmology-University Paris5-France .
- Ophtalmologist in department of ophthalmology-Necker Hospital -Paris -France .
- Member in the French Society of Ophthalmology SFO.
- Chef of ophthalmology service ,and Strabismus Consultant in Tishren Hospital
- Clinical examination and treatment for diseases of anterior eye glob
- Clinical examination and treatment for Strabismus,nystagmus, ptosis .
- Clinical examination and laser treatment for vitreous and retina.
- Follow up diabetic patients.
- Follow up patients of glaucoma.
- Glasses for children and adults .
- Clinical examination and treatment for balpebral and conjectival diseases.