
Surgical Oncology

“Sophisticated Procedures For Healthy Cell Growth…”

The surgical treatment and management of cancers is complex and requires meticulous and routine pre-surgery and follow-up care to promote and sustain the growth of healthy cells and tissue. At Al Seef, our dedicated Surgical Oncology department combines the wealth of knowledge of our oncologists and surgeons to accurately screen and diagnose, effectively treat and thoughtfully manage health conditions of patients afflicted with benign and malignant tumours. We house some of the most sophisticated surgical and oncology facilities to assure you of comfortable, beneficial and evidence-based treatment.

Al Seef Edge

We are dedicated to manage conditions that require surgical oncology intervention. To do so, our surgical oncologists work in tandem with a team of experts including physicians, radiologists, genetic consultants, radiologists, reconstructive surgeons and nutritionists to conduct an extensive personalised study of your case history and accordingly advise individualised treatment. Our oncology and surgery nursing staff are thoroughly trained in post-surgery care of complicated in-patient cases to ensure smooth and pain-free recovery. Our department goes the extra mile to conduct regular cancer detection and screening camps, and educational programs for the wider community. We also hold valuable experience in sub-specialities such as breast cancer surgery.

Treatment and Services:

  • Skin Punch Biopsy, X-rays, CT scanning, MRI scanning, ultrasound and mamographic screening
  • Advanced surgeries: laparoscopic and endoscopic
  • Removal of tumours with reconstruction
  • Sentinel lymph nodes biopsy
  • Common cancers affecting women: breast cancer, ovarian cancer and cervical cancer.
  • Common cancers affecting men: lung cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, testes and prostate cancer
  • Cancers of the skin
  • Other cancers: tumours in the head and neck, rectal cancer, colon cancer and esophageal cancer
  • Nutritional counseling

Out-patient services:

Clinics (every Sunday and Wednesday) – call us for more information
Preventive breast cancer and colon cancer awareness

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